The College of Sports and Health -Vocational Studies was founded in 1997, as one of the first private higher education institutions in the field of sports and healthcare in Serbia. In the College, the program is carried out in four accredited study programs of basic vocational studies and three accredited modules of specialist vocational studies, in accordance with the Bologna Declaration.
The College policy, when it comes to the teaching process, is aimed at students and strengthening motivation for learning, progressive acquisition of professional knowledge, the development of skills and competencies, and their overall personal development.
The College has modern classrooms for theoretical and practical lessons, a well-equipped library, a computer classroom and a fitness center.
In addition to its superb teaching staff, the College regularly engages a large number of sports experts and distinguished professors by invitation, organizes scientific expert meetings in the field of sports, recreation, health, and it has been publishing a scientific journal Sport – Science and Practice for several years.
The College has been one of the leading professional, sports and medical higher education institutions in the region for a long time. The interest of the College is to maintain this position permanently, as well as to strengthen the international reputation at the European and global level.
The College believes that the implementation of the internationalization strategy shall have a positive impact on the interest of students from abroad for the programs implemented in the College, and therefore, in the next accreditation period, particular attention shall be dedicated to the development of study programs in English.
In the meantime, the College shall seek to organize international summer schools in order to connect students of sports and health colleges from the Balkans and Europe.
The precondition for the development of study programs with an international orientation is a high level of language competences, both among students and the College staff. For this reason, the College shall support the promotion of foreign language teaching for students and organize foreign language courses for employees.
Given that the current activities of the College (primarily those of the teaching staff) in the field of scientific research tend to focus on the participation in local and national projects, initiating participation in international programs and projects is a priority in the future.
The College shall strive to increase its research capacity by establishing a diagnostic center and improve the visibility of the achieved results by organizing international conferences and scientific seminars in cooperation with international partners.
The College has a tendency to take the quality of the journal it publishes – Sport, Science and Practice, to an even higher level.
The College of Sports and Health is open to the broadest international cooperation, which shall be based on the principles of equality and mutual respect. When selecting its partners, the international activities of the College shall be based on three strategically important geographical areas: Southeast Europe, European positioning and global connectivity.
The development of international cooperation and mobility is of great importance for tfurther development and the strengthening of the general standards of education in the College. In order to achieve strategic goals, international cooperation shall focus on the following activities:
- Participation in projects in the field of higher education and science – The College shall strive to start and establish continuous participation within the Erasmus + program aimed at curriculum development and institutional development.
- Bilateral and multilateral interaction – The College of Sports and Health shall continue to expand the range of institutions with which it intends to cooperate in the field of higher education and science. When choosing a partner, the College shall focus on higher education institutions with similar curricula. The goal of the bilateral and multilateral agreements with such institutions is the realization of joint projects and joint study programs.
- articipation in mobility programs – The College shall pursue an active policy of exchanging students, teaching and non-teaching staff within the Erasmus+ program, while maintaining a proportionate outgoing and incoming mobility.
- Networking with international institutions, organizations and associations – The College of Sports and Health needs to get involved in the existing international networks of higher education institutions, organizations and associations in order to achieve a direct functional integration in the field of education and science. The College should initiate regional networking of vocational colleges in the field of sports and health.
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