
Contemporary sport is a multi-layered and very uneven individual and social, spontaneous and planned, informal and formal, elite and mass, amateur and professional, non-commercial and commercial, non-profit and profit activity. The basic and most numerous category of participants in sports are active athletes. However, due to the complexity of sports as a prominent segment of social life, along with coaches who offer pedagogic support to athletes, also active in sports are experts of other profiles.

After coaches, the most numerous category are various profiles of experts for management processes and supervising in sports – in sports clubs, organizations, associations, as well as various kinds of sports manifestations and competitions of a local, national and international character. Managing in contemporary sports is a highly professional and complex activity.

Learning outcomes

The placing of sports and sports organizations on the open market demands from these sports professionals, along with a broad knowledge of sports in general, to acquire knowledge and skills in managing sports activities and a structure of activities in sports in general; to learn and apply the principles of economic relations in sports, as well as principles of efficient business and contemporary scientific management; to foster team culture and teamwork; to acquire knowledge about communication skills and a systematic way of thinking and to understand the role and significance of contemporary educational managers in the process of growth, development, and efficient functioning of a successful sports organization.

Contemporary management in sports stipulates knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies which are acquired by a systematic professional education. The creating and founding of the study program of Sports Management at this College has in its essence the idea that the management process in sports is a complex activity, which demands a multidisciplinary professional education of this profile of sports experts

Enrollment requirements

High school diploma and completed qualifying exam

Model of studying

Full time studies

Professional title acquired

Vocational Manager

Course Catalogue

1st YEAR
No. Name of subject I II Total no. of classes ECTS
1. Fundamentals of Management 3+3 90 8
2. Fundamentals of Economy 3+3 90 8
3. Sociology of sport 2+1 45 6
4. Informatics with Statistics 2+2 60 7
5. Sports Management 3+1 60 8
6. Business Finances 3+3 90 8
7. Sports Entrepreneurship 3+3 90 8
8. Foreign language – English 1 2+3 75 7
Total ECTS: 60
2nd YEAR
No. Name of subject III IV Total no. of classes ECTS
9. Psychology of Sports Management 2+3 75 8
10. Human Resources Management 3+2 75 8
11. Public Relations 3+2 75 8
12. Sports Marketing 3+3 90 9
13. Law in Sport 3+3 90 9
Elective block 1, 2 and 3
14. Sports Pedagogy
Security Management in Sport
2+2 60 6
15. Fundamentals of Sports Training
Sports Psychology
3+1 60 6
16. Foreign language – Spanish
Foreign language – English 2
2+3 75 6
Total ECTS: 60
3rd YEAR
No. Name of subject V VI Total no. of classes ECTS
17. Sports Facilities Management 2+3 75 7
18. Sports Competition Management 3+2 75 7
19. Business Skills 3+3 90 8
20. Teams and Team Work 2+3 75 7
21. Marketing Communication 2+3 75 7
Internship 3
Final paper 3
Elective block 4, 5 and 6*
22. Pre-school and School Sport
Personal Fitness
3+2 75 6
23. Sports Ethics
Sport for Special Populations
2+3 75 6
24. Recreational and Sports Tourism
Sports Scouting
3+1 60 6
Total ECTS: 60

* The student must take six (6) elective subjects: three electives in the second and in the third year.

Theory 150 165 150 165 165 135 930
Exercises 135 150 135 150 150 150 870
Total 285 315 285 315 300 300 1800