The College of Sports and Health has established successful cooperation with numerous educational institutions, national branch sports associations, healthcare institutions, rehabilitation centers, etc.

Practical lessons for the first-degree vocational studies, study programs Vocational Physiotherapist and Vocational Nurse, are conducted in Serbia’s most distinguished healthcare institutions, with which the College has been cooperating for years, and which also act as its teaching bases:

  • Institute for Orthopaedic Surgery “Banjica”
  • Institute for Rehabilitation “Belgrade”
  • Special Hospital for Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Prosthetics Belgrade
  • Clinic for Rehabilitation “Dr Miroslav Zotović”
  • Institute for Rheumatology
  • Military Medical Academy
  • Medical Center Zvezdara
  • Specialized Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation “PHYSICAL”
  • Specialized Clinic for “SPORT MEDICAL ALLIANCE”
  • Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation “MASTER PHYSICAL”
  • Specialized Clinic for Physical Medicine “VITA MAXIMA”
  • “BEL MEDIC” General Hospital
  • “MEDIGROUP” General Hospital
  • Health Center “MEDIGROUP DR RISTIĆ”
  • Health Center ”MEDIGROUP JEDRO”
  • Specialist Gynaecology Hospital “Jevremova”
  • National Healthcare Institute for Ministry of Interior Employees
  • Health Center “Dr Simo Milošević”, Belgrade
  • Health Center “Dr Milutin Ivković”, Palilula

Successful cooperation has been established with Association for Physical Education and Recreation “Partizan-Čukarica” and Čukarički Football Club, which serve as teaching bases for the first-degree vocational studies, study program Sports Coach.

The international orientation of the College’s policy and study programs is embodied in its contacts and cooperation with higher education institutions from other European countries, including:

  • National sports academy „Vassil Levski“, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Institute of Knowledge Management – Skopje, FYROM
  • Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia

The College has also been collaborating with higher education institutions in Serbia: the Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, the University of Kragujevac; the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, the University of Niš.

Today, the College prides itself on its excellent cooperation with the Olympic Committee of Serbia, the “Belgrade Marathon” enterprise, the Sports Association of Zaječar, the Sports Association of Užice, as well as with a majority of branch sports associations with which it organizes and realizes vocational training courses for the acquisition of lower coaching titles and professions. These include:

  • Football Association of Serbia
  • Athletics Federation of Serbia
  • Serbian Handball Federation
  • Serbian Rowing Federation
  • Serbian Swimming Federation
  • Association for Recreation and Fitness Serbia
  • Kick Boxing Union of Serbia
  • Volleyball Federation of Belgrade
  • Serbian Aikido Federation
  • Dance Sport Federation of Serbia
  • Synchronised Swimming Federation of Serbia
  • Table Tennis Federation of Serbia
  • Golf Association of Serbia
  • Archery Association of Serbia
  • Union of Serbian Rugby Clubs
  • Biathlon Union of Serbia
  • Rugby Union of Serbia
  • Serbian Roller Association
  • Sports Car and Karting Association
  • Korfball Federation of Serbia
  • Mountaineering Association of Serbia
  • Sport Climbing Federation of Serbia
  • Belgrade Karate Association
  • Belgrade Taekwondo Association
  • Swimming Federation of Belgrade
  • Sports Association of Applied Aikido
  • Serbian Sports Association of Speleologists
  • Serbian Diving Association
  • Serbian Association of Real Aikido
  • Serbia Association of Applied Aikido